Conn comes home for lunch most days (one of the many reasons we moved back to The Woodlands), and it was so gorgeous outside, that we decided to have a little picnic in our backyard. :o)
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24

Fun, Fun, Fun..I can't wait until Frank gets into his new office so he can come home for lunch!! How fun!!
From the Conn I grew up with ...I expected a picture of him at the pink table...just to be humorous!
I am glad he is able to come home for lunch...what a nice thing to be able to do!
Karen Bull
You guys are such a fun family...we need to hang out so your good parenting skills can rub off on me :)!!
What a good mommy and wife!
Gee - I taught you well! hee!hee!
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