"What corner of your world have you dedicated to spending time online?"
So, I thought that I would play along.
If you have visited my blog for any length of time, you more than likely have seen pictures of where I blog. You just never knew it. Yes, this is our living room couch. We have a home office, but there is not a desk in it. :) So, the couch is where I perch myself to update this little 'ol blog! I sit in the middle of the couch. No idea why. It has just become a habit and it is a very comfortable spot. Can you see where the cushions are smushed in the middle? Ha! That makes me laugh because I have never even noticed it until this picture was taken. :)

We have had this couch for almost 6 years. We bought it right after Lily was born and had recently moved to our dream house. Oh, how I miss that house. But, that is another post for another day. :( I am ready for a new couch. Not really sure what I want. Just something different. But, it's gonna be while...according to Conn. :)
When I am sitting and blogging, this is my view. Do ya like Barney on the t.v.? Just keeping it real, folks! :) Actually, I hardly ever blog during the day time. Unless, it is the hour and a half that I have between nap time and when Lily gets home from school. My hours of blogging, returning emails, facebooking, etc. are usually after the hours of 8:30pm. This is when the house is quiet, the 3 little loves are tucked in their beds, and the living room and kitchen are picked up. That's when I finally sit down and breathe! See that chair in the left hand side of the picture? That is where Conn perches himself every night, while I am on the computer. He watches ESPN, Ultimate Fighter, or some random movie that we have seen a thousand times. I am not much of a t.v. girl, so I could care less what is on. But, if it is something I like, I have an amazing gift of blogging and watching t.v. all at the same time. Conn does not understand how I do it. Must be a girl thing. :)
Also, from where I sit, I have a perfect view of our backyard. I love how the sun shines in through the windows every morning. Such a powerful reminder that God has blessed me with another day!
Thanks for stopping by!
Where do you blog?
You can join the party, here!
Love the shutters behind the couch! I can blog and watch TV too. Drives my hubby insane sometimes..lol. He says that I am too loud when I type:)
I love it! I love your house. It's so pretty! I think that every time I see pictures! What a fun idea. Also, when I blog and watch T.V. most people think I'm crazy. We're good like that!
[url=http://www.pi7.ru/zdorove/1788-seks-posle-infarkta.html ]Совместное проживание !!!!!! Дайте добрый совет!!!! [/url]
Страница все точно еще остается при удалении:( Но замечала, что у некоторых вместо страниц пустоты и фраза посередине, которая гласит "Страница удалена или же еще не созалана"!!! Я также хочу, для того так было, но не знаю, как сделать это??? Помогите, напишите, кто знает! Буду очень благодарна)
[b]Привет Всем! [/b]
Я Екатерина Игнатюк... и это моя первая для начало запись в этом блоге.
Исходя из теории разумного эгоизма и как настоящая "эгоистка" расскажу немножко о себе любимой.
Я молода, здорова, небогата но стремлюсь, амбициозна, полна сил и энергии.
Живу счастливо, чего и Вам всем желаю.
У меня есть Интернет Клуб http://www.2nt.ru/users/katya (На новый закон о лекарствах пожаловались травники ) благодаря которому я наменрена помогать сохранять и улучшать здоровье людям.
Буду рада вас видеть у себя в клубе.
Предлагаю Вам [b][url=http://2nt.ru]секс знакомства бийск [/url][/b] и др, с огромным количеством информации по интересующей Вас теме. Для себя я обнаружила много интересного.
Вот уже неделя проходит,пустырник в место чаю уже пью.Ударился в тяжелый спорт,физическая боль отвлекает.Остались ли чувства?Сложно заявить,долго сообща были,привык.Но главное это дочка,ей мать нужна.
у нас на вышеприведенном веб-сайте можно посмотреть громадный выбор интересных статей про [url=http://medbaz.com/pages-more-39.html]микоплазма у женщин[/url].
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