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Show Us Where You Live Friday!
Show Us Where You Live Friday!
Kitchen Edition

View out of my kitchen window. Yes, our house is that close to our neighbors. Very hard for us, coming from living on an acre of land in the country for 3 years.

Kelly, over at Kelly's Korner, is hosting a home blog tour, every Friday. Today, is the kitchen edition.
View from our living room.

View from the other side of the kitchen.

View when you walk in from the garage.

We moved into our home a little over a year ago. We love it! One of our favorite parts about our new home, is the kitchen. The previous owners, remodeled the kitchen and added tons of upgrades and very unique touches. I hardly ever cook, but the kitchen is actually where we spend about 90% of our time. I guess because it is open to the living room and because our house is a two story and the kids seem to always want to be downstairs with us. All that being said, Welcome to the McWhorter kitchen! Come on in!
View from our living room.

View from the other side of the kitchen.

View when you walk in from the garage.

Love my vent hood!

Our back splash is all mirrored (that is a reflection you are seeing behind the stove top). Strange? Yes, it was to me at first, too. But, it has grown on me and now I really like it.

View out of my kitchen window. Yes, our house is that close to our neighbors. Very hard for us, coming from living on an acre of land in the country for 3 years.

I bought these while on a girls shopping trip to Canton. No, I have not filled them yet. Probably should do that. Actually, I didn't notice until I took the picture. HA!
This jar is ALWAYS filled with animal cookies. This is also where Conn "unloads" his pockets every day (phone, keys, wallet, etc.). He always grabs a handful of cookies before he walks off. They have also gotten us through many long nights of bouncing babies. :)
Our "breakfast nook". I love the chandelier hanging above it. I also love the windows that look out onto our screened-in back porch/toy room. We have beautiful flowers that bloom in our backyard and you can see them through those windows.

This is a funny little built in shelf that I had no idea what to do with it. We decided to place plates and tea cups up on it. Well...there use to be a lot more. But, some little girls have made some disappear. Hmmmmm.... :)

Gotta love Hobby Lobby 1/2 price! This is where we hang the girls back packs and Cash's diaper bag.

I love our island! It was custom built and has so many neat features. This is where the girls sit and eat all of their meals.

Built into the island, is a wine rack and a wine cooler.

Conn and I do not drink wine. But, we still manage to put it to good use. :)

Our laundry room and our powder bath are both in our kitchen. I don't like it at all, but I have honestly looked all around our house and really have no idea where else they could go. So, I guess the builder knew what he was doing after all. :)

When we registered for dishes, almost 9 years ago, we chose to not register for China. Gasp! I know! But, we have not regretted it one single time. Conn was a youth pastor when we first got married (and for the next 5 years after that), so we were pretty sure that our "guest" would never really need to eat on China.

Aren't we classy???

We had a sign painted that has the fruits of the spirit painted on it. It also hung in the kitchen of our old house, so it brings back many memories.

Last, but not least. This is really funny and always a great conversation starter when people first come to our house. Yes, this is a doggy door. If you know our family at all, you know this is so funny because we are not animal people. Sorry. We just aren't. Hey, but the girls have a ball with it. Anytime Conn or I open the garage door from being gone, they run and stick their heads out to say hello to us. Funny!!! :)

Thanks for stopping by! See ya next Friday for another tour!

Oooh I love your country kitchen, I love country decor because there's so many things you can do with it. Like mix in antiques with new and florals. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing:)
P.S. I couldn't happen but notice Connlon was born 12/1/08...I had a baby girl 12/3/08 hee hee Happy 5 Months Connlon!
Beautiful kitchen! It is so warm and inviting...just the way a kitchen should be! Thanks for sharing. :)
I'm drooling over that vent hood!
Snow White
Beautiful, I wish my kitchen looked hat good!!
Your kitchen is beautiful!! It looks so warm and inviting. Love the island. It is my favorite part.
I love all the details in your kitchen - it's REALLY pretty!!
Now ya'll have convinced me to find a nice jar for my animal crackers! ha!
your family is beautiful!
Beautiful kitchen and I love that vent hood! What a fun idea--maybe I can join in next Friday.
Super jealous of your kitchen. If you guys ever need to move...call me. =)
Great kitchen. Love the anthropologie dishware, the white built in with shelves, the island, etc. It's all so pretty! Thanks for sharing. Found you thru Kelly's blog. Just got my kitchen tour post up today. Little late. Ha ha! :)
Blessings, Angie Seaman
www.angelicagracedesigns.com/blog/ (blog)
www.angelicagracedesigns.com (website)
www.angieseamanphotography.blogspot.com (photography blog)
What a pretty kitchen...it would be my favorite too!! (And I don't cook much either) Can't wait to check out everyone else's!!
Lovely kitchen, Ashley!!
Ashley, I just love your blog. It's one of my favorite blogs to read. I haven't been able to look at hardly any blogs in the past few months because we've been so unsettled and so busy trying to get settled; however, I always manage to look at yours. It makes me happy! I love the way you write and I love your honesty. Thanks! Oh, and I love your kitchen too. I've noticed it in other photos you've posted:)
i want you to come decorate my kitchen! Yours is BEAUTIFUL!
Come on sweet baby girl.....you could've at least given your mom and dad a little "shout out" for helping you decorate that gorgeous kitchen and for hanging EVERYTHING that's hung! Everyone - it is as cute in "person" as it is on pictures and Mammy & Pappy (Ashley's parent's) helped!!!!
I LOVE your kitchen. The first time I walked in I thought, "Ooh, this is my kind of kitchen." I love the cabinet color and the hardware. It's all really just great. I would spend most of itme in that kitchen too.
I LOVE your kitchen, in fact I am going to steal some of your cute decor ideas for my new kitchen!
Your kitchen is so inviting! I love love love the center island!
Very cute kitchen....very warm and welcoming. I love going to Canton! It has the greatest finds there!! Thanks for sharing!
Many Blessings,
You have a BEAUTIFUL kitchen. I love how neat and clean it is. And the island is so nice with the wine rack built in it...I am only a little jealous! Also, so glad I'm not the only one who didn't register for china. We've only been married for 9 months, but I don't think we'll regret it. I am happy with everyday dishes!
Your kitchen is sooo beautifuL! I especially Luv your dinning room and all of the spring colors, it's so bright! Luv the chandelier and the anthropologie china! Thanks for sharing some great ideas :D
Absolutely Gorgeous! If I could pick any kitchen it would be yours!
So cute! I found you through a friend's blog. Your house is so neat!!
I have 3 boys so my house is usually a disaster! I am thankful for my healthy 'messer-uppers' though!
Beautiful kitchen. love the hood.
God bless!
I love your kitchen! I really like how you decorate. Thanks for sharing!
Simly marveous dahling!! Great colors and makes the room look sooooo warm & inviting w/o having a lot in a room. Great eye for colors and placement of everything!!
Great job and hope you find the 2 chairs soon. Know how that is when you could easily use a few more chairs!!
Great job and it is beautiful!!
stunning kitchen - I love your island
Love your kitchen! It is beautiful and full of character and charm! hard to believe you do not cook!:) Do you happen to know the color of your walls???
beautiful kitchen, great accessories
wow, you are popular. Look at all your comments. Your kitchen is gorgeous. But you already know that. I wanted to comment on the doggy door. It's so small and yet so high off the ground. I'm imagining a little Chihuahua making a running leap for the door. Hope he has good aim. I love the thought of your kids poking their heads through. My last house we put a large dog door in for my puppers. Now, in our rental she has to wait for us to let her out. Quite the adjustment. Thanks for the chuckle.
Cute kitchen! I'm in the process of getting new counters and back splash... and am suddenly in LOVE with my kitchen!
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