Cash is 9 months old, today!! I can't believe that in 3 short months, my littlest love, will be a year old! Of course, the BIG 1st Birthday Bash, is already being planned!

Cash has had a rough little month. He has had numerous ear infections, runny noses, and coughs. He started wheezing over the weekend, so they wanted him to get an x-ray for what they thought was a minor case of pneumonia. So, we have been giving him breathing treatments and he had to get this big ol honkin' shot in his leg...3 different days. Thankfully, he has been blessed with the yummiest thighs, and only cries for a second.
This kid is non-stop and is ALL boy! He is a crawling machine and pulls up on anything he can get his hands on. If he has a toy, he doesn't play with it, he BANGS it really loud and just laughs. So funny how different he already is from the girls. Yesterday, he crawled to the very top of my moms stairs with no help. He'll let go of things and just stand there for about 10 sec. or so. No steps yet. But, I bet it is only a matter of weeks. Oh, and his newest trick...he waves and says "dye-dye" (bye-bye). Cutest thing!
isn't it fun being mommy to a little boy??? I just love how rough and fearless they are!!! Cash is too too cute!!
I love those fat little legs! He is just squishable. I need to see that sweet boy soon!
He is so precious! I love that you take pictures of everything!
NO NOT ME day for you!! NO NO YOU DIDN'T just take these shorts off of this cute, chubby little boy just hours before this photo because they SURELY WERE NOT COVERED IN POOP!!!! YES, YES you did cause I witnessed it!!!! And NO we didn't take this precious baby boy into Ranchero's without shorts on (just a t-shirt and a diaper folks!!) which you said you would NEVER take a baby of yours anywhere in just diapers!! And NO YOU NEVER wrapped a PINK blanket around his bottom just to hide the diaper - NO NO NOT YOU!! And NO WE DIDN"T call him "Trashie Cashie" did we??!!! NO NO Not US!! HAPPY 9 MONTH BIRTHDAY TRASHIE CASHIE!!
So so sweet! I know all about those breathing treatments. Evan was the same way as a baby.
And boys ARE so different!!
He is so cute. I remember breathing treatments at that age, but you'll get it under control. We should all look so good in horizontal stripes!
He is so cute!! Did you get a new camera? Your pictures look awesome!!! Sweet, sweet boy!
He is so sweet. I think the second to last picture he looks just like Conn!! Can't believe that he is already 9 mths. Times flies by so fast.
He could not be any cuter!!
henceforth, please ALWAYS ensure that your little love is wearing horizontal stripes- those pajamas just emphasize his sweet physique! : )
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