Hey everyone!! I am linking up with Kelly, over at Kelly's Korner, for Show Us Your Kid Rooms.
Rhett's Room
If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, you probably know that Conn started competing in Triathlon's about 3 years ago. We thought it would be fun to somehow incorporate his love for the race into Rhett's room decor. Pretty sure this theme is a first for any nursery! Ha! If it has been done before, I couldn't find it anywhere!!!
Swim. Bike. Run.
I found the bedding first, and then based all the colors around it. The colors are what sold me! Love the uniqueness!!

This is a tire from one of Conn's old bikes. There are racing bibs and old family pictures pinned to it.
This hutch was built by my dad when we were first married. It has been used in so many different rooms. I love that it is so functional and can fit in so many spaces.

I scored these adorable metal letters from Hobby Lobby. The colors matched perfectly!
Conn's racing wall of fame. :)

Just like the hutch, this dresser has served many purposes, too.

We are so happy with the way everything turned out! Maybe one day, we'll have another triathlete in the family! :)
Cash's Room
was (still is) Cash's room. Of course, now he has a beautiful double
iron bed instead of the crib. But, the decor looks exactly the same.
Maybe one day soon we'll redecorate and do a "big boy" room.
Many have asked why we chose the "vintage music/guitar" theme, and it
really all started when I saw Conn's guitars sitting in our office one
day. It just sort of came to me. I kept telling my mom that I had it
all figured out in my head, but it just needed to come to life.
This is the view to the left, when you walk into his room.

This is the same iron bed that both of the girls had slept in, but we spray painted it black. We bought the bumper from Pottery Barn and my mom made the bed skirt.

We bought plain wooden letters and spray painted them red. My mom then came up with the cool idea to mount them on sheet music from a Johnny Cash song book. The pages were bright white, so we tea stained them literally in a bowl of tea. We stuck them in the microwave for a couple of seconds, and they dried right up.

I actually bought this dresser at Canton before I was ever even pregnant. It had been sitting in our garage for over a year. The red was a little brighter than the rest of the red in the room, so we put a couple of coats of stain on it, and voila . It was already distressed with the paint peeling off, which was exactly what we wanted.

I got this idea from a coffee shop in Tomball. We bought these albums at an Estate Sale for $1 a piece. Except for the Johnny Cash one...middle on the top. That was a very special gift from our sweet friend, Molly! :)

This is the view to the right, when you walk into his room.

This was the first guitar that Conn learned to play when he was 9.

The window valance was once again my mom's brilliant idea. We bought a shelf and broke the back off of it making what was supposed to be the top, the front. We spray painted it red (sensing a theme here?) and bought some old 45's at an antique store. The material has sheet music printed all over it. Once again, it was a bright white, so we tea stained it, as well. My mom just hot glued the fabric to the molding of the windows.

Here is another one of Conn's guitars. The cabinet, was actually our island in our kitchen at our old house. It has great storage underneath.

This was just a plain black lamp that we glued fringe on to. We painted the Ukulele, that was hot pink. We had bought it for the girls on one of our trips to Mexico. Sorry, girlies! :)

This is the whole view when you walk into his room.

I hope he has enjoyed it the past 3 1/2 years as much as we have!
Rhett was born, the girls moved into the same room together. It's had
its ups and downs, but they've learned to survive for the most part. Ha!
I love their room! Always makes me smile when I walk into it. It is so
bright and cheerful! So fun for an (almost) 8 and 6 year old!
It took us FOREVER to find bedding that we liked and to
find a similar iron bed to go with the one that we already had. But, it
all finally came together. I love the way everything turned out!
Entering the room...
The tree hand painted by their Pappy! Love!!!
View from other side of the room (things still needed to be added to the shelf)...
Fun hanging birdcage with a pink birdie inside. :)
Lily requested that their names be hanging from the tree limbs above their beds. :)
Maggie's bed was my bed growing up. My parents bought it for me when I was 2.
Lily's bed doesn't match perfectly, but it was the closest we could find. I do love it, though!
View from their bed.
We bought this chair about a year ago at Roundtop. It has been
in our room up until now. It matched perfectly with their colors and
it makes a great reading chair.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed all of our kids room tours!
Ashley, I just cannot handle how adorable all of those rooms are. Honestly- just perfect! I love you all so much!
wow! these rooms are incredible!!!! I am expecting a baby boy and you may have just given me inspiration for our little mans room that we will look to do in a few months! when I saw the pictures of the swim, bike, run, I thought of the "life is good" store/theme, etc. Its my hubby's favorite and that may be a fun similar thing! thanks for the idea!
I'm visiting from SUYL- the rooms are all amazing! I am pregnant with my second girl and I just love your daughters' shared room- too cute!
I love your rooms. The rooms are just incredible, makes me want to do a room like the girls room.
Visting from Kelly's Korner blog.
How stinkin' cute!! Love all the rooms!!!
Love, Love, Love these rooms!!! Especially the girls. So bright and cherry!
You and your Mom and are so talented. I LOVE the triathlon room. What a great idea. Now you need to come decorate my house.
This is the first time I've seen Rhett's room and I'm in love!
Maybe one day you can come up and decorate for me! ha!
Too stinking cute! I cant pick a favorite, they are all just too precious! Good job!
I love the girls room. Beautiful!
your kids rooms are SO creative and cute! I loved seeing each of them.
These are such cute rooms! I love the bike tire in the nursery and the bedding in your daughters' room.
Love the rooms! I am in the process of redecorating my daughter's room (she has informed me that she's outgrown the sweet pinks and soft yellows). She loves turquoise, and your girls' room is awesome...she would love it. Would you mind telling me where you found their bedding? The colors and patchwork look fabulous!
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