12 years. 12 years ago, we said "I do"!
and I were talking and I told him that it really doesn't feel that long
ago. The years have flown by to me. We have an unbelievably blessed and
happy marriage. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Sure, we have our
ups and downs, arguments, financial struggles, a job that requires him
to be gone a lot with crazy work hours, a chaotic life with 4 kids and
so on and so forth. But, at the end of the day, when we both collapse
from pure exhaustion, we never take for granted the roof over our heads,
the food in our bellies, the 4 healthy kiddos sound asleep upstairs
and the love that we have for one another. God is so, so good!
I mentioned above, with Conn being one of the pastors at our church,
his schedule is so different than most. He had to work on our actual
anniversary, with it falling on a Sunday. So, we made the most of it and
had a "date" in our church's cafe after the kids were dropped off in
their classes. Hey, you do what you gotta do and make the most of the
situation. Ha!

day before, we had a whole date day at the IronManTX. Our town was hosting it this year. We had some close friends racing it,
so of course we had to go and show our support and cheer them on. We
stopped at my parents house to pick up my mom who wanted to go with us.
My dad was working in the garage and I just so happend to spot a post
from our wedding that we had carved our initials and wedding date on. I
had no idea that they still had it. It was a post from the gazebo (in
above pics) that my dad had built us for our wedding. So special! The
gazebo is no longer standing, but it's fun to still have that special
keepsake 12 years later.
got to the Ironman just in time to watch the winner cross the finish
line. Yeah, his time reads 8hrs. 12min. If you know anything about an Ironman, you know that that is insane! If not, then just know that it is really, really good! Ha!
got to the race around 2pm and stayed until 11pm. Yep, we're crazy like
that! :) Oh, if you're wondering. The athletes have 17hrs. to complete
it. Many do, and many don't. Just the training that goes into it is a
huge accomplishment in itself, if you ask me!
We met the Darby's there. Yep! They stayed until 11pm, too! Such dedication! Ha!
here's 2 of the reasons that we were there in the first place. 2 great
friends of ours, Marty and Justin. Way to go, guys! So, so proud of you
Long after they crossed the finish line, we stayed for some more cheering and yelling!
Such a great day! One we'll never forget!!
we also pulled out the wedding video and showed it to the kids. They
loved it! So many wonderful memories! WOW!! So, so many!!
Anniversary, babe! If He never does another thing, He has already done
enough! Thank you for an incredible 12 years! Love you more!