Sunday, February 27, 2011
Painting with a Twist
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Any vacations you are looking forward to this summer?
Yes. We are doing our annual Marler vacation to the Frio river, and we are heading to the beach with the McWhorter's. You never know with us, though. Some more may pop up between now and then! :)
2. What is your favorite article of summer clothing (shoes are included)? Believe it or not, I still wear jeans (for the most part) in the summer time paired with my flip flops. I know that we live in Texas and that jeans in the summer are just flat out insane, but I don't do shorts. Sometimes, I will go a little crazy and wear a skirt or a fun summery dress.
3. What is your favorite summer drink?
I am still a faithful Diet Coke drinker in the summer time, too. I also love me some shaved ice. Does that count as a drink? :)
4. Do you tan or burn?
Tan a little...burn a little.
5. Any goals you are working toward this summer?
Just to get through the summer, toting 3 kids around, while being in my last stages of pregnancy. Yes, I will be the beached whale you may see that is living at the pool! Ha! :)
6. What is your favorite summertime food?
Oh, I love anything! But, fruit and anything cold is always refreshing.
7. What song most says “summer” to you? A lot of songs by Kenny Chesney. Especially, Old Blue Chair.
8. Any home improvement goals planned for this summer?
Oh, yes! We will be moving the girls into the same room...while redecorating, and we will be putting together/decorating a new nursery.
9. What is one thing you hate to see at the beach?
Well, I view this two ways. :) With or with out our kids around?! Ha! If it is with our whole family, I would say jelly fish, clouds, rain, other children running around with out any parents to be seen. If it is just with Conn, I would say clouds, rain, and any kids within our general area!
10. Did you ever go to a summer camp?
Yes. Almost every single summer. They were all church camps and I loved them. Also, when we got married, Conn was a high school pastor. So, I still got to enjoy many more years of them.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Whole Lot of Love

I snagged some pictures of the girls' before they left for school. Love these two girlies!

My littlest Valentine decided to finally wake up, and we spent the morning together. He makes me smile! :)

We then went and met daddy for lunch! Mexican food, of course! :)
After lunch was done, we made a stop at Maggie's school Valentine's party. Gotta love a class full of 15, 4 year old's! Fun times! :)

Conn has carried on the flower tradition with his own two girlies! They love it!!
Most of all, I want to wish my man, a Happy Valentine's Day.
We have never been ones to make a huge deal out of this day. But, it is still fun to let him know how much I love him and appreciate him. I pray daily, that I have many, many more years of dancing with the one I love!
(pause blog music)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
This & That
Here she is with her 100 gumballs inside a gumball machine.

We did A LOT of this...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
8 Weeks and First Ultrasound

Hope you are all staying warm. It is in the low 20's here. They are predicting at least 3 inches of snow on Friday for Houston! Of course, it is the one day that Conn and I are set to fly out of town for a little weekend get away. We are praying that the whole town doesn't shut down and that our flights are canceled. We shall see!