I'm back! We just returned from a beautiful week in South Padre with Conn's family. They rented a 2 story beach house that was just a few steps from the beach. Not only was it oh- so close to the beach, it had 5 bedrooms and a pool! GLORIOUS...for our family of 12!!!
Hanging out in the mornings...

Cash LOVED the sand!

Nanny and her girls

Lily played with this green sand bucket forever. It was so funny. She was in her own little world.

After almost an hour, she finally saw me taking pictures of her.

One of Conn's favorite things in the world. Seriously...like one of his top three!

My sister-n-law, Wendy, with sweet baby Max. He and Cash are 7 weeks apart.

Conn and his family

My most favorite pic from the whole trip!!! Oh my goodness, I love it!!

After we would get back from the beach, we would rinse off in the outdoor shower, and spend the rest of the day in the pool. It was perfect!

The McWhorter crew

Conn's brother, Kap, and his family

The grand girls

Nanny and PawPaw with the kiddos

One night, we went out to eat at a restaurant called Parrot Eyes.

Of course, they had a real live parrot. Lily would whistle at it, and it would squawk right back. She loved it.

One day, we hit up some of the local shops

Then...we ventured to the beach, and of course, took a gazillion pictures

For the love! Oh My Goodness!

We also went to eat at Louie's. It is on the water, and every Friday night, they have a fireworks show. You can also watch the beautiful sunsets.

Fireworks show

The waiters came out singing happy birthday.

and, brought cake!

Conn and I are cracking up at this picture. We have no idea why, but Lily looks about 3 years old here. Weird!

But, she really is 5! Ha!

Thank you, Nanny and PawPaw, for making this week possible! We had such a blast. We are truly blessed!